Monthly Archives: February 2020



give me the love

for which I have survived

innumerable timelines

this moment


this moment

sitting next to you

looking into your eyes

is the best moment

not to be lost in the past

nor the future

so shall live it fully


Love romp


A pair of eagles

They soared high they soared low

On a love romp

love is…


love is

giving food to a beggar

petting a homeless dog

teaching my students

helping them clear the fog

love is

the new bud in my garden

cool air on a hot summer day

the thoughts of my childhood

as under the neem I lay

love is

my beautiful thoughts of you

the days and nights we spend together

the way we together are so true

not mere love…


I don’t want only love

I want passion

effortless endless passion

which makes me get up everyday

which becomes my ikigai

and my lullaby

I want passion

not mere love

that makes me go through the day

with a smile on my lips

and a bounce in my step

which makes me see

the silver lining

and the moon and the stars

that gives me a flutter in the belly

every time I am with my soulmate

I want passion… not mere love

to last till the end of time



the first kiss

the first love making

let it last forever